It's Getting Hot in Here...

So if you're not from Florida, IT'S HOT HERE AGAIN! Which is most of the year...and some people (like Lauren) love this, but I (Nicole) enjoy the summer and the warmth but still kinda wish it was cold. This change in weather is starting to make us think  a lot about summer and how desperate we are for it, but also how sweaty our workouts are about to become. Take today for example... we always run the trails on Sunday. It was nice and breezy until we got out there...that's when the wind died and the humidity seemed to set in. If you've never actually seen a hot mess, just look at us after that workout!

(a few months ago)
(a few months ago)
Monday was flippin' awesome because we got to flip some tires and we love that. 😍 Like the trail, it's one of our dirtier workouts, which always make us happy! We also apologize for the crazy ass tan lines we will have by summer. It's just the name of the game at this point. We did a lot of jogging that day, and to be honest I don't think either of us thought we would be able to do it, but dammit we did and we didn't quit. We surprised ourselves. Breathing has gotten easier and our shins don't hurt nearly as bad as when we started... #progress

Ready to climb some stairs!
Look of annoyance 
Wednesday was a special day...full of surprises...which I for the record, HATE! Lauren lovvvess surprises, but it's not my cup of tea, at least if I know they're coming. We got to work out in a weight vest that was 50lbs! Goody, goody, gum drops! One set with it on, one set with it off, just to prove how much easier it was with it off. Let me tell ya'll, we'll never be that weight again, and honestly we don't know how we ever operated with that extra weight. Our breathing was labored, our back killed us, and it took us twice as long to finish anything. The "weight loss celebrations" are always a positive eye opener. We don't know if we want to know what will happen when we hit 100lbs lost 💀

Friday has officially been dubbed Fun Friday by Mark the Trainer. This Fun Friday included 75 burpees, 100 squats, crunches, mountain climbers, and throwing balls to the wall. 😏 That was all before we did arms. Sure turned out to be a fabulously fun Friday!

We've been talking for a long time about trying to do better with the weekends, because upon reflection we have realized that this is our weak spot. I would like to report, we did really well this weekend! Saturdays are usually crazy because this is our running around day..we usually do the gym in the morning, I have to go take care of my grandma and mom or do their grocery shopping (I usually drag Lauren along for this, it gets done faster) and then we do our own shopping so we can prep on Sundays. In the past we would lose track of time and end up skipping meals or eating them super late. When we couldn't figure out a solution, we decided we would just pack a cooler like we do for school or the beach. We packed our lunches and our snacks for in-between and it worked out great! No matter where we were, we had what we needed. Still a work in progress but this weekend went well. We might have accidentally caused this catastrophe as Publix by asking for watermelon...😖

In a couple of weeks I (and the hubby and brother-in-law) am headed to New Orleans, so Lauren and I have already started planning what I will need to bring for the car ride, as well as checking out my hotel, which does have a gym! Luckily I am going with a lot of fitness-minded people so I know they won't question my crazy methods. If anyone has healthy meal ideas or fun places to visit in New Orleans, let me know!

As a side note, we are super excited to try these new coconut wraps. We'll let you know how it goes!

This upcoming week I'm sure will prove to be another hot one friends.  Stay classy and hydrated!

Hot and Sweaty,
Two Fit Girls


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